Channel: HairDeLaCreme
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: locsfor black boyshow to retwist short dreads yourselfdreadlocksretwisting locs for beginnershow to retwist short dreadshow to retwist locshow to retwist your own dreads1 year of new growth hair retwistretwisting dreadsretwisting locsloc journeyhow to retwist dreadshow to retwist long dreadshow to retwist dreads for beginnershow to retwisthow to retwist dreads with no clipsnatural hair tutorialhairdelacremehow to retwist starter locs
Description: My neighbor asked if I knew how to retwist locs and I told him that I will give it a shot. This video will show you my first attempt at retwisting locs. How did I do? ---------------- Products Used ---------------- Spray Bottle: Double Prong Curl Clips: Cantu Moisturizing Twist & Lock Gel: Murray's Black Beeswax: ---------------- Shop My Hair Line: ------------------- 💻 Instagram: @shophairdelacreme Facebook: shophairdelacreme ------------------- Check out my Amazon Storefront: ------------------- STAY CONNECTED WITH ME 📱: ------------------- Instagram: @shophairdelacreme / @hairdelacreme Snapchat: @hairdelacreme Twitter: @hairdelacreme Facebook: hairdelacreme Tumblr: For business and sponsorship opportunities please contact my BUSINESS EMAIL - HAIRDELACREME@GMAIL.COM #hairdelacreme #locjourney *FTC: Some links may be affiliate links, which means if you use our link to make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. All ideas and opinions are our own and we only share with you the products that I absolutely love! :) Thank you for supporting my channel!